Where do I even begin with this game? I picked the re-translation up in late 2019 and fell in love with
the miserable little game. The setting charmed me, the characters entertained me, the mystery vexed me,
the music in this fucking slaps, each route left me
wanting more. I found myself with a distinct fondness for our lovely Bachelor Dankovsky [which I'm sure
you can tell] and I just couldn't get enough of the damn thing. I also caught a flu midway through the
Bachelor's route, which I still find funny, both Daniil and I were just properly miserable. The 2015 and
2005 games definitely show their age, there's no denying that, but there really is something about these
games that people just seem to miss. There's definitely a small cult following around the original, but
not near as much as it deserves. I think of this game, and it's... sequel? remake? retelling? all of the
above all the time. I grew up in a small town, so ToG felt like a strange home away from home, with
practices that, if you didn't grow up with, may just seem wholly bizarre. This may not be a game you
enjoy, may be too harsh and hey, that's cool! But it's a game for me and my god I will expose everyone I
know to it in some way, shape, or form. There's going to be other Ice-Pick Lodge games on this list, I
really do think
I just enjoy them as developers, but this will keep the title as my favorite. I finished both games
chewing my nails hoping
that everything was fine for everyone after. Kept hoping that maybe. just maybe. Something good would
happen to every person
I cared for, that somehow, even in the endings where the town is lost, that some small piece of it would
survive and live on. And, after thinking on it for a while, I realize that is the case. In me. Because
at the end of
the day, I go on, and I take pieces of this game with me.
I like games that are very painful. Darkest Dungeon is just one of those. Shit world full of shit people trying to stop even shittier things from happening to it. You're not playing a specific character [some unnamed 'Heir' who doesn't have a model and by all accounts doesn't actually exist lol] but you do manage a team of mercenaries that have pulled up to your shitty little Hamlet. What's good about this game? Well, the art for starters. Darkest Dungeon's artstyle harkens back to the Hellboy comics and it works for the setting! The dark and dirty atmosphere is lended to by thick inks and messy color splotches in the color. It's just an incredibly oppresive game. It also rules. Micromanaging stress and hunger, heartattacks and diseases? Fantastic. Character dies? Oh well, check the stagecoach and try again. This game helped me make one of my favorite ocs [shoutout to Rose] and so it'll always have a special place in my hearth. The music also rules thank you Chatwood.
This game series has a lot of conspiracy theories in it. So much so the original creator no longer feels comfortable making more due to the world's currently climate regarding them. Kinda wild if you think about it. Each game does feature the Illuminati [and both protagonists point out how ridiculous this sounds] and they're honestly? Just really fun. If you like games that let you rip apart someone's room and read their emails and steal all their shit you're gonna like this game. It's got its bad beats, the way augmented people are treated in Mankind Divided can be a little. Much. But the games are fun, you can sneak practically everywhere. And if you so choose, you can pacifist your way through all three games [kind of. Human Revolution requires you kill bosses, but 1 and Mankind Divided gracefully allow you to spare even the roughest of enemies]. It's also just funny how some of the dialogue in this game reads. "[Completely Deadpan] Yea, R.I.P." "I never asked for this." "[After someone's father died] What a shame." "Check the attitude, Doc. I nearly died trying to save you." Denton and Jensen are unintentionally fucking hilarious.
I looooove the Team Silent developed games in this series. My controversial opinion about this is that I think 4 is actually good! A lot of people are on the fence about it, but I think it was a good book end. The first game's town focused more on Alessa and her trauma, and the last focused on Walter and his trauma. It just feels like a nice parallel and a good way to wrap up the series. Now, my personal favorite is 3. While 2 is definitely the best written one, and the one easiest to get into, as you need a bit of the backstory of 1 to understand 3 better [not entirely, but it helps!], 3 is still just, really good. The detail in this game is really something else. The animated textures on some of the walls? Holy shit. The voice acting has an off cadence that really just adds to the eerieness of the series. The whole world just feels a bit off. You can tell this series was very inspired by Twin Peaks' oddities. Team Silent was considered the 'weakest link' of Konami, but I think Silent Hill is the perfect example of how sometimes, you just need to let a creative team go and work on something that interests them.
This game is a dream. I really think IPL might be my favorite small developer at this point. The scenery of this game is completely nightmare-ish, with confusing layouts, impossible landscapes, oppressive atmospheres. Every bit of this game is tinged in sorrow, like the entire Void is in mourning of the loss of Color and the inevitability of death. This world is dead, even with you reviving the gardens, it feels like you're just fighting against a lost cause. You're too late, and every piece of the game wants you to know it is your fault that the world is like this. I love the Sisters, each one has a unique fashion sense and color palette. Their rooms are all so intricately designed to fit with the mood each of them align with. The Brothers, however, are notably very gruesome, it's awesome. Melancholy and sad, this game feels like a dream you wake up from feeling sad. Like you dreamt about someone you failed in the past, even after you send a Sister to the surface. The music in this game is also both catchy as all hell, and sad as shit. There's a LOT of really good easter eggs in this game too. I see you, Pathologic herb room and sandbox. Ole's loft will always give me Daniil vibes. Idk why but I half expect him to be her roommate, lol. Depressed Duos.
Remember when I said I like games that are painful? This one is also very painful. It starts out just a wonderful meetup of childhood friends, reconnecting over memories and pictures as the birthday of a deeply cherished family member approaches. Then, an outbreak occurs. A sickness that robs you of any and all memory of family and friends. It picks off important players in your life one by one, and you know that inevitably, it will all come crashing down, no matter how hard you try and fight it. Let me be honest here, I have some form of ADHD, and most people with ADHD know that sometimes it comes with some pretty fucked memory loss. This game really hit home for me, seeing pictures of your friends late game and knowing that they suddenly no longer recognize you slinging your arm over their shoulder? That they no longer remembered your old stomping grounds together? Fights? Make-ups? Hangouts? The jealousy you help because you both crushed on the same girl at a point? Cracking open a yearbook to realize you didn't know who you were looking at, despite how much they were smiling at you? Yea. This game broke me. You can try, you can really try to change the outcome, but no matter what the sickness takes your friends, and you. The only choice you're left with is that of abandoning your hometown you no longer recognize, or remaining miserable, an outcast, within a place you once called your home. I've gotten both endings, hunted down countless memories, trying to somehow, somehow make a change between Asya and Masha. But sometimes life is just like that, connections fade, and people you know sometimes just no longer recognize you.
This game turned me into a crazy person. This is my first shooter. I bought it at fucking Wal-Mart after my brother played a bit of it forever ago. I loved this ugly thing. With its fantastic for its time lighting, slow-mo enhanced combat, wild blood explosion upon shotgun blasts. And Alma. Clearly a reference to The Ring Alma. I'm not gonna lie being on the 'weird little girl to weird little man' pipeline I have a lot of affection for weird girls in video games and Alma is like a staple for the genre. Psychic powers? Check. Constant blood-stained feet? Check. Need to rip apart anyone she feels has wronged her? You know it. Being like 11 at the time [yea I know. Don't play adult games when you're little!] I was like oh man. I want to lift people in the air and throw them around. That's cool. You can't go wrong with telekinetic characters man, you really can't. She's also sympathetic. A science experiment who was seperated from her children as a teen, you can't help but feel bad for her. So yea, blow up scientists, Alma, why the fuck not. My most controversial opinion is that I like the expansion packs for this game [Perseus Mandate and Extraction Point] and I also like F.E.A.R 2 [this is a bad game, you should not play it!] there's just something about the apocalyptic scenery in F.E.A.R 2 that I like especially since this game came out during the brown tinted shooter era, it still managed to have color while making its color-less scenes make sense. Of course the city is brown now. F.E.A.R protagonist Pointman decided to blow a facility to kingdom come. Things just happen like that.
This game is what set me on the IPL path despite not being made by IPL. This is peak jank nonsense art game. The devs have even interacted on twitter! I did not realize how close I was to getting into Pathologic at like 14. That would have been a nightmare. I would have been the most insufferable dude on planet Earth. I would have become a filmbro early. Scary. What is happening in this game. Various Red riding hoods get sent to Grandma's house, with the simple rule, don't stray from the path. It kinda bugs me seeing how the only theories on this game focus around sexual assault, like many of the ones for Yume Nikki do. Like, is that all we got in the theory department? X character has been sexually assaulted in the past? Real clever and original, guys. I personally see this game as a metaphor for growing up, and how as you grow up, you run into 'betrayals' within the lesson's you learn. Each of the riding hoods has an encounter with something they enjoy, something they've enjoyed, thinking it will always be safe for them only to find it's not so. Robin plays with a literal werewolf, makes sense, she's a small child obsessed with wild animals, her betrayal is that of a wild animal biting her while out in the woods. Rose is poetically fascinated with water and its dangers, wanders onto a boat alone, falls into the lake, nearly drowns. Ginger is a tomboy, loves being out and basking in the joys of youth, and her world [the girl in red] comes, it's pretty obvious with the barbed wire injury, she's reached puberty, and is suffering heavy dysphoria and stress because of it. The list goes on, but it's neat. I've come up with my own theory that each of the girls are stages of life the Grandma went through, and on her death bed, as the girl in white comes to take her away [as I see her as death] she reminices on her past.
Games you play with friends sitting next to you so you all shit yourselves over spooky ghosts. This game series, specifically the first three, were PEAK ps2 era spooky games. You idle for too long? Ghosts start haunting the screen. There's hidden ghosts all over this thing, as if the cds themselves are haunted. The game premises are pretty similar, strange village, scary rituals, something goes horribly wrong, town winds up a mess of angry ghosts eager to get at you. I think 2 and 3 are my favorites, sporting the best stories, tightest mechanics, and spookiest ghosts. I have a fondness for 4, the one that never made it to the west, because of its art style, and the attempt at making a game for the Wii [though I admit I emulated it, lol]. The sound design in this game is incredible, with every ghost having their own grunts and groans, the ways the scenic sound design plays into the environment is also phenomenal. The sliding doors and footsteps in particular just always make me smile :) I love how they sound. The atmosphere is AMAZING and the environments are all incredibly detailed, making the villages feel like real places, no matter what game they're in. The ghost designs are also just. Totally fascinating. Many are based on Japanese mythos, and almost all of the major ones have extensive backstories, journals to read, crystals to listen to, families to learn more about, roles in the villages, houses to search. Every single ghost feels real, they feel real, they feel angry, they feel trapped.
RESIDENT EVIL. This game series is fantastic and dogshit. Revelations 1 and 2 fucking rule and if you haven't played them yet please do. Capcom loves never using characters they introduce. Leon Kennedy makes me want to blow something up but if anything killed him I'd be upset. Capcom doesn't use Jill or Claire or Ada enough. Chris needs to die but he doesn't. I don't think anyone actually likes Ethan Winters, I think you're all playing a prank on me.The remakes of the games are so gorgeous it's honestly astounding. If Capcom doesn't remake Outbreak 1 and 2 I'll cry.